Just in time for St. Patrick’s day, Drink Spirits debuts a new weekly radio segment on KPAM radio on the Terry Boyd Show called the Drink Spirits Happy Hour.
In the first episode, we talk about St. Patrick’s Day drinking, including which Irish Whiskey to drink. We make an Irish Breakfast cocktail and talk about some highlights from the Nightclub and Bar Show.
Listen to the debut episode of Drink Spirits KPAM Happy Hour
Here’s the recipe for the Irish Breakfast:
Irish Breakfast
1 oz Jameson Irish Whiskey
1 oz Butterscotch SchnappsIn a shot glass pour the Irish whiskey and then the schnapps. The schnapps is heavier so it’ll mix with the whiskey on its own. Shoot it back and then chase with a shot of orange juice.
Here are some key links from the show:
Four Hangover Cures That Actually Work
Irish Whiskey Reviews
St Patrick’s Day Events in Portland
Next week’s show will be live from the San Francisco World Spirits Competition in San Francisco where editor Geoffrey Kleinman will be sampling over 250 spirits as a judge. You can listen to that episode here.